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Everything has been fine this year, especially for network people. Maybe too fine, because we now have so many excellent channels and so many network friends that we don’t know what to do with them.

What I’d like to do with all my friends?

I’d like to give everyone his/her own very essential lifelong network for daily challenges.

For my European friends I even know the name of the thing: Personal EU!
I think just now is a very good moment to visit and see its message as a seed for a new era.

On practical level Personal EU should very quickly get a “Personal EU27 Team Finder” to be able to show its completing power to the entire union. Are You the one who can and will create this Finder. After it everyone him/herself can feel what it is to have an OWN private union.

Happy everything to You All!

…and especially the group Personal EU on Facebook, LinkedIn, Plaxo

