You are currently browsing the monthly archive for Jan 2007.

One of the challenges of the network era is the interactivity of networks. Welcome to my LinkedIn network and find there more than 600 individuals who have wanted and/or accepted to belong to my professional network. The nature of the network is openness – when you are a member of the free LinkedIn network then you can see there all my friends. Many of then belong to your network, too – and knowing that gives new tips for operations.When you like to make a suggestion to someone in my network, please do it. I’m happy to accept and forward every good suggestion. If it has something to do with the future of the EU, then I do it with great pleasure.

Innovative interactivity!


These words from Mr. Roberto Santoro on the EU Living Labs launching day still make me feel strong and happy.

In trying to make a Personal EU era come true I need every friend I can get, because future is not something that just comes – it is what we together make it to be.

You – have you really seen my Personal EU idea? Have you asked what it could give to you personnally – as developer, decision maker, investor, citizen?

The EU FP7 gives more chances to the Personal EU era than any previous framework programme. We just have to collect our resources and will.

Please look at this Personal EU “component picture” and find Your great professional challenge in it.

Then express your interest to me. Together we will find the best circle and moment to do something very essential towards the Personal EU era.

Innovative Interactivity!


The Personal EU concept is now ready to collect a strong EU project group around itself – and prepared for a continuing critical discussion in a good union-wide citizen forum.

Do you know developers to be a part of the Personal EU era? Do you know challenging internet discussion forums? You could help the entire European citizen society by suggesting.

Innovative interaction!


